My 2024 in Photos
I love this time of year. I love taking time to prepare for 2025 by looking back through my photos. I love to look. back at photos to reflect on where I have been, what I valued, and what I worked on. This year actually surprised me. Part of this is because I went back to work full time learning a new job, new industry and new skillset and it has consumed my energy and my thinking. As I look back on the year, it reminded me of just how much we did and how much I, and the collective family we, accomplished. It was a great year mentally, physically and creatively.
Also, a quick note on the photos. Since I am not doing any of this work for money, for clients or any type of campaign, these are just pictures I like and that have meaning to me for one reason or another. With that out of the way, let’s get started. I hope you have a good cup of coffee or something.
Note: Click on any image in sets with 2 or more photos to go to slideshow mode.
Acadia National Park - Yashica T4 w/expired film
Creatively, I started the year with finding and developing a bunch of old film. This shot of my wife at Acadia National Park shot a few years prior reminded me of so much. It was our first trip together after sending our twins to college. It reminded me how far we all have come since that time. It also reminded me how much I love film, grain and trying to capture moments. I vowed to shoot a roll of film every month in 2024. Unfortunately, I only shot 2 rolls…..And I didn’t develop those either. But dang I love this photo and it set the tone in terms of texture and creativiy for 2024.
It’s hard not to look back on the year without focusing on our extended trip to Steamboat, Colorado. We spent a week hiking followed by a remote working experiment. I could have done an entire photo dump from this trip but these two photo’s showed some fun as well as the view from the famous Steamboat Springs “Rabbit Ears”.
We had one more big trip this year. We did a fun trip to New York. The trip was filled with comedy shows, food and rest. It was an incredible creative spark for me. Our highlight, and challenge, was to run Central Park. We were treated to perfect weather and springtime blooms. Did I say run? Yeah, a run. I am no runner but I did it. To be honest, I have run over 200 miles this year! I know that isn’t a big number to a runner, but I am not a runner and I have added some to my health program this year. Another incredible time and memory.
Black Hills Divide - My favorite selfie of the year and my first multi day, bike packing tour in several years!
Here are a few of my favorite pics from that trip. I built a custom Tumbleweed Sunliner and sewed my most custom frame bag to date with internal sleeves and pockets for specific things and tools. I also sewed some new bar mounted camera carriers. Super fun project.
Speaking of bike rides, I had some good rides. Highlights include lots of group rides with the Northfield, MN Tuesday Night crew, solo rides in the big country and a couple of organized events. Here are a few pics of my favorite bike moments.
Back to people. I am not the best at capturing photos from our time together with friends and family. While I try to get more, I often simply forget in those moments. Thankfully, others take photos in those moments. This set includes several photos I didn’t take! But as I age, these moments continue to be more and more important in my life. I need more of this in my life.
While I am not doing photography as a profession in any way at this time, I sure had fun shooting some bikes for my friend on his way to MADE BIKE, the current iteration of NAHBS. These are absolutely stunning bicycles.
One last note and highlight of the year. It is one of my personal favorite photos. I love unscripted and shoot from the hip photography. While on the bikepacking trip in SD, Tim and I saw these motorcyclists approaching. We quickly went to the side of the road as they were coming up hill and just wanted to give them room. I grabbed my camera quickly and shot this without giving much thought to framing. I missed the 1st moto, but was able to capture the followers. Truthfully, I think I like this photo as I long for a motorcycle and have such fond memories of growing up riding and exploring this way. Who knows. But this is one of my personal favorite photos of 2024!
So many fun memories and captures in 2024. To the few folks that follow along on my new site, thank you. What will 2025 bring? I can’t wait to find out. Bring it on!