Salsa Fargo V1 Rebuild - A Quick Rip

Life’s been a bit hectic of late. All good, but hectic. I have been chipping away at a few bike projects and writing part II of the Salsa Fargo Chronicles. I also got a quick rip on the Salsa Fargo V1 rebuild. It’s not finished yet, so I won’t be going through a complete build spec yet. I need to get it a bit closer to complete before I do the full photo shoot and walk through of the set up and choices. I think you’ll be able to see the direction I am going with it.

With temps nearing 40 last Sunday, I got out for a quick rip and shakedown ride. I like these first rides to be something closer to home just in case something isn’t quite right or needs some tool that isn’t part of my on bike kit. I’m happy to that all went well on ride one. I can also report that I can’t wait for ride two, three, four, and so on.

I shared previously that it had been over 10 years since riding this bike. It hung in my rafters with 2 or 3 re starts that just never got completed. After my first ride out on this bike, I can say that not finishing it on the previous attempts was a poor choice by me. I settled right back into this bike. My mindset shifted. I enjoyed every bit of it. For those that know me, they know how much I love just riding without a specific destination in mind and riding with curiosity. I rode some of the same roads, paths and trails that I rode when we were developing this bike. I also found some new ones. To say I am pleased to be riding this bike again is an understatement. OK….Enough. I’ll talk about the bike, set up and choices in a later post.

But here are a few pics from my first ride with this bike. Just a few as it is still cold and handling a metal camera with metal manual focus lenses in the cold isn’t the smartest and quickest thing I have done. But hey, at least I got out and at least I got a few shots I like.

I hope to share a bit more about the name of this bike in my next post. Finger’s crossed I can get it completed and tell the story in the way I want too. That said, I am heading on the road for a week so I don’t fully know what my time is going to look like this week. I am bringing this bike just in case I have time to escape.


Gone Dark? Nope. Just Busy.


Salsa Fargo V1 Rebuild Update